The DCS Debt Manager℠

A Comprehensive Debt Compliance Solution in the Cloud

DCS offers a customized, integrated cloud solution that covers every aspect of the quarterly Officer’s Certificate review. We deconstruct your debt agreements into linked web pages, questionnaires, permitted basket analyses, and calendar items. We then automate your compliance in our integrated cloud platform:

DCS Debt Manager
DCS covenant Manager flow
DCS document manager flow
DCS Calendar Manager flow

Accurate, Time-Saving Covenant Interpretations

Debt compliance begins and ends with accurately and consistently interpreting covenants in the context of the entire agreement. The DCS Debt Manager℠ improves your Compliance Team’s ability to do this and do it in less time:

Agreement sections are converted to webpages, linking the defined terms and section references to elsewhere in the agreement

Questions, baskets, and calendar items are linked to their source covenant text

As you research issues with our powerful multi-agreement contextual search engine, you are easily clicking links instead of getting lost flipping pages

Learn More About How We Make Your Debt Compliance Flow


Identify and risk-adjust the relevant covenants


Write easy-to-answer questions with minimal legalese and no materiality judgments


Economically manage serial notes issued under related indentures


Manage the quarterly review with interactive questionnaires and robust reporting


Aggregate covenant issues for evaluation and reporting to senior management


Automate the emailing of the financials and other required documents

Ask for a 45-minute demo

Let’s work together to reach your goals.